Jan 10, 2011

It's A New Year


I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas! I love Christmas and this year was no exception. The kids had a blast baking cookies, singing Christmas songs, decorating the tree, seeing Santa and of course opening their gifts! We were able to help two families have a Christmas this year and for that I am so grateful :) At times, we didn't know if we would have the extra money to do it but God is GOOD and HE always provides!



I always talk to the kids about the real meaning of Christmas and how it is much better to give than to receive. They are three and four so I know that they do not completely understand yet BUT they will one day. Okay a funny story. As I was putting out our Nativity Scene, I was explaining about baby Jesus, how he was born in a manger, how Christmas is his birthday, etc. After I was done Ayla looked at me and said, "so they waved the magic wand and Jesus was born", so that is what she got from the story. Her magic wand for some reason always seem to end up in our conversations. I guess I will try again next year, lol!


The few days before Christmas were busy as usual! We celebrated Christmas with our good friends and neighbors on Wednesday, on Thursday Kaleb had his friends over and they exchanged gifts, on Christmas Eve John's parents and Grandmother came over and on Christmas Day, we celebrated with my family. The kids were completely exhausted by Christmas and they were not interested in letting me take too many pictures, they were completely over it at that point! So here are a few pictures of our Holidays! I am looking forward to what 2011 will bring, hoping and praying that all of you have the best year EVER!


Happy New Year to everyone, I am expecting nothing but the BEST in 2011!!

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