Are you guys as excited as I am about "Toy Story" coming out on dvd tomorrow? I love these movies, I can remember watching them with Kaleb when he is little. I can't wait to take Ayla to see Toy Story 3 when it comes out in June. At target the combo packs (dvd/blue ray) are on sale for $22.99/ea but if you buy both (Toy Story 1 and 2) you get $10 off instantly. In addition to this you can use these coupons from the Disney site. Works out to $12.99 each.
There is also a 10 dollar coupon for the "Princess and the Frog" if you are interested. These will make great gifts for the Easter Basket!
So we, I mean John finished Kaleb's dresser yesterday. It really turned out nice, he put several coats of stain on it and with new hardware it is just like new! I love the retro/vintage feel it has to it! Actually, I think this dresser was made in the 70's. Like the lamps? We found those at Homegoods. Have you noticed that we are lamp people? There is just something about having matching lamps on a piece of furniture!! I will have to show you some pictures of our lamps, we do have some interesting ones!! Oh and I am loving how the middle panel opens up and there are three drawers that pull out. That is a really nice feature. So here are a couple of before and after pictures, what do you think?

Hope everyone has a great week! Ours has not started out so hot. Ayla woke up sick this morning and has been throwing up all day. I hope she is able to sleep tonight and I hope everyone else stays healthy!! Oh, I almost forgot, did anyone watch Dancing with the Stars? What a cast, it will definitely be interesting this year and did anyone else think Pamela Anderson was acting weird? She was definitely um not herself..lol!! Okay, I am tired so I am going to bed early tonight. It is only midnight!!!

LOVE LOVE it Lesli!!!!! He/y'all did an awesome job!!It looks brand new and a very expensive piece of furniture...and LOVE the lamps......I love lamps as well!!! I cant wait to show you the girls new bright colored room!!! They LOVE it and so do we!!! I have to get your opinion;)...Have a great night and day tomorrow!!!:)
We love Toy Story! And I love love that dresser! It looks great!
I will be so glad to see Pamela A go....but that will be awhile....I loved the girl from the Pussycat Dollsw, what a gentleman Buzz Aldrin is.....
It will take me a few weeks to have a favorite...
WOW! The dresser looks fabulous!!!!
the dresser looks great. you have a talented hubby! i adore toy story!
LOVE IT! And I'm going to the disney website right now! You're right, great Easter basket stuffers!
I totally think Pam Anderson was WASTED!! Or high on something. It was terrible!! Buzz Aldrin was so cute put-sing around the dance floor. My Hubby is rooting for him! lol I don't know who my favorite is yet but I think the girl from the Pussycat dolls is weeks ahead of everyone else.
The dresser looks awesome! Way to go Hubby!
LOVE the dresser and lamps, FABULOUS job and finds!!!
and, um, yes i agree. not that "herself" is much better ... but i'm THINKIN' she was drunk ...
i love toy story! so does darby we already have 1 and 2 and I CAN'T WAIT for 3 this summer! love the dresser
Aww that dresser looks great!! Toy Story is such a cute movie!!
OH MY! The dresser is AWESOME! LOVE IT! We so love some Toy Story around our house. Our movies are scratched, and I think that sounds like one for the Easter bunny for sure! :) Thanks for sharing!
Yes Pam Anderson was... odd!! She was acting so strange! Glad I'm not the only one who noticed!! And I love the dresser, you did awesome with it!
I'm such a lamp person, so I totally understand that! Great job on the furniture! Thanks for sharing the giveaway... cute, cute, cute!!
come out come out hwerever you are!!!lol.miss talking to ya!!! I am going to eamil you back today! Ive been so busy!!!!xoxox
Aww, I hope Ayla feels better!! :(
I can't wait to get to Target and buy Toy Story 1 & 2! I'm so excited for my little Avery to love these movies just like I do. By the way, I found some great Libert of London stuff for Avery the other day. I got the dress that is red and navy. Perfect for the 4th of July!
The dresser looks great! I would love to get into a project like this over the Summer. Your decor is great!
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