This week at Kelly's Korner the topic for "Show Us Your Life" is cleaning secrets. I do not have any cleaning secrets, but I do have some laundry tips I thought I would share. I have actually had this post saved for a while and thought this would be a perfect time to share!
Okay so I am OCD about stains on my children's clothes...I think everyone that knows me, knows this by now.. but to justify my obsessive compulsive behaviors...hehe.. my children's clothes are an investment for me because I sell them on ebay when they outgrow them! Of course they have play clothes and with those, they could go and roll around in the mud if they wanted to... well not really, I mean maybe if it were dry So my friend Molly has shared some of her awesome stain removal "magic tricks" with me, and I would LOVE to share them with you.... you know cause I'm nice like that-ha!!

OK, I keep a bunch of "unusual" items in my laundry room for tackling stubborn wouldn't be my laundry room without them....MEAT TENDERIZER (unseasoned) I use this for any protein based stains blood,milk etc
WD-40 OR Dawn dish washing liquid...either of these will take care of grease spots on clothing. DO NOT use the WD-40 on silks
LEMON JUICE: put on a spot on a white top and sit in the sun...TA_DA! add a bit more lemon juice before laundering,works wonders on those formula stains
RUST SALT mixed with Lemon juice will take out mildew stains, soak dingy white socks in hot water(hotter the better) and lemon juice then launder like usual they come out bright whites
For ink pen or marker try alcohol or cheap hair spray (Aquanet is the best for this)

Okay, I also never put the children's clothing in the dryer (unless they are play clothes). I wash everything on the hand wash cycle and only a couple of things at time. This prevents piling and keeps the clothing in fantastic shape. It also helps if you use lingerie bags like these from has two sides and you can put two pieces of clothing (or more, if you would want to) in one bag! These prevent clothing from piling, snagging and if you have something with buttons, sequins, beads, etc these are perfect for that! Oh, these are great for tights, leggings and hose as well, they do not pile at all!

Okay, well I hope you have enjoyed all of these wonderful stain removal and laundering tips!! If you know of any others tricks, I would love to hear them!!
Oh, by the way, I just recently learned about the oxi-clean gel stick. It is awesome, it is great for grass stains, you MUST get one of these!!

Wow! You put me to shame! WD-40, huh? Amazing. You learn something new everyday!
Okay, I LOVE these ideas! Where have you been my whole life?!?!? So many clothes thrown out because of could have saved me. I am totally bookmarking this post! :)
Great Tips!!! I saw you on Kelly's Korner. I am your newest follower. Please check me out when you can!
Great tips, but man where do you hang all your kid clothes to dry? That is my problem...
These are amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!! Your posts are always so helpful!!! Thank you so much!! Enjoy your birthday get-a-way!!! Blessings...
Thanks for the comment! These are great tips! I bet you can keep your clothes looking awesome. I am the pill queen, so as soon as it pills, it's out! Thanks for the tips. Have a great day!
Those are great tips. I've never heard of a few but they make sense!
As for the question you left at my blog about the Charlie's soap- I use Nellie's Dryer Balls in the dryer instead of fabric softener. I dry on low, then hang dry once the clothes are partly dry. If you put the clothes straight from the washer onto a clothes line, you would definitely need some kind of fabric softener in the wash.
I am OCD about the kids clothes too. I don't dry them do you? I have to spot wash almost everything, but when you pay that much for a polo, or dress, you have got to take care of it. So I get it.
You have some ideas I have not heard, so thank you for the tips.
These are great tips...I am going to print this out.
And I don't put the kids clothes in the dryer, also. Especially with a teenager and her clothes are already made small. But it is a hassle with clothes hanging everywhere to dry. Where do you hang yours?
I am glad I stopped by! I got some great ideas! Your blog is precious!
Thanks for sharing and Happy Friday!
Oh My goodness, this is by far the coolest thing i will learn today...this month for that matter! Thanks for sharing those tips. I NEVER would have thought to use WD-40 or Rust salt!! CRAZY! I am totally going to use that tip on our socks!!!
You know what else?? I can't wait to see my Hubby's face when he see's me spraying WD-40 on one of his shirts! LOL
Fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
what GREAT tips! i will keep all of these in mind!!!
I must remember these! Thanks for the tips!
Oh, and I have a Brennan too!! =)
GREAT TIPS!!!! Thank you!!! Love these ideas girlie!!!Have a great weekend sweet friend!!! Have a great birthday as well!!!xoxoxo
As a nurse I can give you a tip on blood stains! Peroxide! Dump it right on the stain, watch it bubble up and take the stain with it!
Thanks for your ideas!
love your tips! Thanks! I use tide stain release gel pack things and they are great in my opinion! I have to dry my childrens clothes! I can't stand laundry so the easiest route is what I take! I don't dry smocked dresses but other than that it all goes in
Wow, some great tips! Thank you.
I suffer from a major laundry/stain fetish, too. There is only 1 stain I can't ever get out- Spaghetti-o's! What should I use? Do you know?
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