Who says you can not watch TWO shows at ONE time??? This cracked me up last week when I saw Brennan doing this. We bought him the fisher price kids dvd player for Christmas and he LOVES it. He knows how to put his movies in, how to rewind, fast forward, push play, stop etc...and so at certain times during the day he will sit in the stool in the kitchen (this is known as Brennan's chair now) and watch some of his movies. He rarely watches a whole dvd, I think he just likes putting them in and taking them out. Anyway, he is also addicted to my I phone and plays games and watches videos on it as well. We have a few videos on it for the kids and on this day Brennan was watching "Clifford, the Big Red Dog", on his dvd player and "Max and Ruby" on the I phone. It was so cute how he had the phone propped up on the dvd player. I thought this was so funny, John said he is a multitasker..lol.

So Ayla is finally feeling better, she has been sick all week and because of that we think her arthritis is bothering her. She has been crying about her left knee and holding her elbow so now that she is better hopefully her joints will feel better too. It stinks when she gets sick because we can not give her arthritis meds to her because she will have an even harder time fighting off the sickness, so we have to wait until she is well. Yesterday she started feeling like herself again and today she is doing even better so I think we are over the worse part! Tomorrow is my birthday so John and I are going to drive to Louisville KY and stay Friday night. We plan on having dinner and doing a little shopping! We will be home Saturday, so it is just a little one night get away..lol. My sister and brother in law have offered to stay with the kids Friday night so we can spend some time together for my birthday. We have to pick Kaleb up Saturday in KY also so that is another reason why we decided to go. So I will be MIA for a few days, I hope everyone has a great weekend!

he is TOO cute and SUCH a multitasker!!!
i hope ayla continues to feel better, poor little thing!!!
Happy 'early' Birthday! I hope you two your time together and away from the kiddos.
That is adorable that he was watching two things at once. Smart boy, lol!!!
Poor Ayla! How sad! Wow, 2 things at once, wish I could concentrate enough to do that. HEHE!
Happy Birthday Lesli!
Susan S.
happy birtheve!!! so sorry ayla has to deal with all those pains! he is too darn cute... i need to learn to multitask like that!
Thanks Susan!! Yea your first comment!! I hope Jacob has a HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow as well! We will see you at this party next month!
Have a great birthday!!!
he is so stinkin cute Lesli!!!!I hope sweet little Ayla feels better!!! POor angel!!! Sending prayers your way!!!!
Oh and happy early birthday pretyy girl!!!I hope you have a great one!!!
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