they would rather play in the toilet

or take their clothes off a gazillion times a day (this has been a big problem lately) obviously nothing has changed much since this post!

or find new ways to climb into Brennan's crib

or pull the ottoman over to the dvd player and push every button in sight

or some how sneak our huge fake palm tree plant into their

Yes, these are the "typical" things that they would prefer to do on any given day! I do try to get them out of the house at least a couple of times a week even if it is just to go to Target. We also like to have playdates and we actually had two this week so that helps the day go by faster. We used to have a very strict nap time but since the kids sleep in so late, they have not been napping as much. I do however make them stay in their rooms and rest for at least an hour, trust me, it is good for my sanity, what little I have! The upside to no nap is that they are totally worn out by the end of the day and they go to bed early!! Before bed we ALWAYS rock in the rocking chair, read books and sing a few songs and of course say our prayers.
That's about it for a typical day at my house. I am sorry it is not more exciting! I am sure you ALL are so jealous..hehe! We are so eager for the summer to get here so we can go to the pool and play outside! Please summer get here SOON!

Having kids never gives us a boring day for sure. Love it. :)
Sounds a lot like our typical day! Morgan is in school 3 days a week now so that helps plus I work 2 days a week (saves my sanity)! On the days I'm at home all day, I sometimes feel a little crazy! :)
hahahahahha, this sounds like our house!
Funny post! I love them playing in the toilet. I would say you have your hands full!
Your blog is so cute! I love the picture of them playing in the toilet, so funny! Thanks for sharing and Happy Friday!!
I'm laughing because I think we are soul sisters and our children would be BFFs! :) We have 3 animals that we add into our insane mix...always fun crazy here!
ADORABLE! looks like you have a lot of busyness on your hands, but what FUN busyness :)
That's a cute post! I'm happy that you found my blog. It's funny how much you had in common with that post! The name Ayla is so unique & pretty!! :)
Hahaha too funny!
I love hearing about your day!!! The kids sure make it fun and never a dull moment!!! Have a wonderful weekend.
My kids and your kids would get along nicely. You know what they did today? Instead of coming straight in my room when they woke up - earlier than usual - they went into the kitchen and stood on a chair and got a huge bag of candy off of the top shelf in the pantry. I woke up to them climbing in my bed with chocolate all over their faces, and found at least 40 candy wrappers on the floor.
Mine also, especially Camryn, have started taking off their clothes as often as possible. It's driving me crazy!
Never a dull moment!!
Too funny, I think each picture is worth about 1,000 words! haha
Your two remind me of mine! I miss the days we could sleep in a little rather than drag everyone out of bed and take kids to school!
They are absolutely adorable! Crazy fun times!:)
Sounds like my days! Always getting into something. I just received Addison't MJ clothes I ordered from the Hammond Bay collection....way cute!!!! Happy weekend!!!!
Oh my goodness, they are so rotten. Auntie misses them :) Uncle Dunc and I need to come over this weekend !!! I love the pics :)
Hi! So glad to read your comment on my blog. Your kids are too cute. I love little kids in glasses! =) I think that our kids would get into a lot of trouble if we put them together. Oh, and my daughter went through a phase where she would always take her clothes off and want to be naked. Its finally better now...after some duct tape usage! Now my son doesn't want to take his clothes off. He may be seen in the same shirt for days. Anyway, thanks for the message and I look forward to getting to know you in the blog world!!!
Your kids crack me up. They remind me so much of Payton it is not even funny!
This made me laugh!! Playing in the toilet is hilarious! We never really have a typical day either, and have to realize that's ok! Hope you have a great weekend!
Hi Lesli! Thanks for your sweet comment! I LOVE your blog and your post about your typical day is hilarious...those pictures were great! SOO relatable :) I'm with you on the nap...even if they don't sleep they have to be in their room for a bit so I (and they) can have some "down time". Such adorable kids you have :)
love your pics!!! too funny......reminds me of around here!!hahah We never have a boring day do we!!!;)
Hey, got to
to check out Becky's stuff. Also, you can email Beckey at
If you want the minnie shirt, hurry and order cause she's booked til April 1st.!!!!
Hi leslie..i have a son named brennan too..what made you guys decide to name him that? just curious. i've never known anyone else by that exact name other than Brennan Manning(the author)
Ha! Cute! I can't believe your kids sleep until 9 or 10. You must share your secrets!!!!
Hey there! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! I have loved reading yours, too! Your family is precious... I love the name Ayla!
I'll remember her in my prayers, as well. :) Have a great Sunday!
thanks for the laugh sweetie! Glad I'm not the only one :
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