Our Disney vacation has finally came to an end and we enjoyed every minute of it. The kids had such a great time and we made memories that I will never forget! Ayla cried when I told her we were leaving Disney to come home! We got home late Monday evening and I have been trying to get caught up on sleep and laundry. The kids did great on the plane, they actually enjoyed it. It was a little rough for Brennan the first and last 10 minutes on the plane because you have to turn off all electronics and so he was not happy that he had to turn his phone off..hehe! We stayed on Disney property, so the Disney "magical express bus" picked us up at the airport and took us to our hotel. We stayed at the "Coronado Springs Resort", the property was gorgeous, we stayed in what was called a "cabana" that looked out over the lagoon. We did not spend much time in our room, we were on the go from 8 or 9 in the morning until at least 10pm at night. The last night we were there, we actually didn't get back to the room until 1am, so needless to say, we need a vacation from our vacation..lol! Here are a few pictures on the plane, I plan to blog about each day at Disney, I am still getting pictures uploaded onto the computer, it will be hard to narrow them down to only a few, as I only took 400 pictures..lol. The plane pictures are not great because they were taken with my cell phone. Can't wait to see what everyone else is up too!! Tomorrow we are driving 3.5 hours to Ayla's Rheumatolgy appointment. I am praying that maybe we can start to decrease her meds! Wouldn't that be awesome!

There he is, doing what he does best!!! My little I-phone genius!!
glad your home! can't wait to see more pictures!
The pics are darling! I cannot wait to see more. The kiddos are such dolls. I will keep Ayla in my prayers for this next appointment. <3
Glad you're home and had a GREAT time! Can't wait see more pictures!!
So glad you had fun! Can't wait to see more pictures!
omgoodness i'm so jealous!!! i can't wait to hear more and see more pics!!! glad you had fun!!! how could you NOT, it's DISNEY!!!
I am glad you guys had fun !! We will make it over sometime this weekend to hear all about it. I enjoyed Ayla's call yesterday, I love when she calls me, makes my day brighter :) Love you & miss you
Glad you are home and had fun. We have stayed at Coronodo Springs several times....We will be in the Disney cruise in just a few weeks....
How fun! Can't wait to see pics and hear all about your trip :) Glad you made it back safely...good luck at Ayla's appt...praying for good reports :)
Oh, Disney is the best! My hubs of all people is wanting to go back this fall! Silly boy! ;) Glad you had a ball! Can't wait to see all of your pix!
I am so glad that you are home safely and that you had such an awesome time!! We went to Disney last September and it took me over a week to get out whole trip posted into my blog. I did what you said. I posted pictures of each and every day. I am so glad that I did because now I can go back and look at them and remember very clearly how our trip went. I loved your pics in the plane. I bet your kids really did love the plane ride. My kids were so excited on their first plane ride. They were all a little bit older than your kids though. They remember it very well. Can't wait to hear and see all about your trip. :)
So glad you guys made it home!! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Glad you are home safe and y'all had so much fun!! I miss your sweet comments....not the same with out hearing from you every day!!!!:) I'm sending you a little something in the mail!:)
hey girl email me at marialanek@yahoo.com I need your address!!! asap! Thank you!xoxoxo
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