Thanks so much for entering my very first giveaway. This has been so much fun, I plan on having many more in the future! With that being said, the winner of all of the pretty hair goodies is.....drum roll please.....we did it the old fashioned way ........
here is Ayla pulling out the first winner......and the winner is.......
Nicole, your comment is too funny......and yes I did say winner's, because Ayla picked TWO more names...I thought I would send a few more goodies your way as well!!
Paige @
Rachael @ you are also winners!
Congrats to all three of you, just send your contact information to my email and I will get your box of goodies out to all of you!!
Okay, this week at Kelly's Korner the topic for "Show us Your Life" was "What do you collect". My first thought was that I do not collect anything because clutter stresses me out and so I try to avoid it if I can!! Then as I was reading all of the posts on this topic, I started saying...oh yeah I collect that, I collect that so I thought I would put a little post together about a few things that I DO collect!!
I love crosses and although I would love to collect crosses by Jan Barboglio, I am poor so I just collect crosses that I can this one I bought right after Christmas at Hobby Lobby on sale for 80% off, for only FIVE dollars... the reason why I love crosses and why I wear one around my neck is because when I look at that cross I know that I am forgiven and it is a daily reminder of his sacrifices for you and I and for the salvation that is ours because of HIM!
and here are a few others I have around the house
I also have a rather large collection of purses although I would not say that I "collect" them. To me to collect something means that the item you collect has meaning to you and purses well are purses and I am not emotionally connected to any of my purses.. well maybe the very first one John bought me when we were dating, it is a small coach purse and now Ayla has!! Oh and I just recently purged some of my purses and sold them on ebay because you know that gave me room to get more..hehe!! I also have a rather large collection of sippy cups and hand sanitizer, oh and then there is the collection of random objects that I have on top of my fridge
let's take a closer look shall we....
Okay, this is the COLLECTION that I COLLECT throughout the week, you know like when I take them away from my Each week I have a different COLLECTION!
This week we have a box of rice Krispy treats because my kids get them out of the pantry ALL DAY LONG, Scissors- I think we all know what would happen if those were within reach, knives-self-explanatory, a turkey bastor- Ayla chases Brennan with this and tries to suck his nose, she doesn't believe me when I tell her it is NOT a nose A bottle of lotion- Caught Ayla shampooing Brennan's hair this week, side walk chalk- they do NOT understand that it is meant for OUTSIDE and lastly a set of paints- Ayla likes to paint anything and everything. So that is my collection of things for this week. I am sure we will be adding to it again this week!!
Okay, I hope everyone had a great weekend! I am going to go listen to Michael Buble sing now, he is singing at the Olympics and I love me some Michael Buble!!!