Jun 8, 2009

Another driver in the family...

Guess what, there is a NEW driver in the family!!!!!!!!!

and even though this car is the right SIZE for Ayla, and she is smart and all, um, she is not driving YET!!!
kaleb lerners june 09 001
Last Thursday, I took Kaleb my 15, almost 16 year old son to take his lerner's test. He studied ONE whole day for the test and I just knew that he wasn't going to pass. When he walked out with a HUGE smile on his face after the test, I knew that he passed!! Of course I should have known, he is the type that can make good grades with out a whole lot of effort. If he applied himself and actually studied, he would be making straight A's in school. He is always on the honor roll, but he could be doing so much better... But anyway, that is another day and another post

kaleb lerners june 09 002
He was so happy and for the next thirty minutes he was texting all of his friends with the good news. I was happy and sad at the same time. My baby is growing up and in two short years he will be graduating from highschool. I guess you could say that we grew up "together" and we have always had a very special bond. I could not have asked for a better son, he is loved by everyone that knows him!

kaleb lerners june 09 003
And so the FUN begins........

Please pray for me as I begin teaching him to drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your son and best of luck with the driving! Great Pictures~ Amie