Okay like most you, we have owned um quite a few toys over the past three and a half years. Hands down we have found the BEST toy EVER and I wanted to share it with you. If you are looking for a gift or just something fun to buy, this is what you need and I am sure your kids will LOVE you for it! We found this car last year at Target. Every time we went into Target Ayla would ride it around the whole store. We did not buy it right away because I wasn't convinced that she would play with it when we got it home. There is nothing worse than sinking alot of money into a toy and then they never touch it again when you get home. Eventually only one car was left at Target and John and Ayla were at Target and he caved in and bought it for her, yes she is a Daddy's girl! It has been over a year later and both of my kids love this toy more than anything. Brennan took to it right away and was riding it before he was even two years old. We bought him one for Christmas so now they both have one! Everyone is amazed when they see him ride it, he rides in circles around our furniture in our great room and I swear he is a little pro at it, (hence the Professional Plasma Car Driver on my sidebar). He whips by everything at lighting fast and sometimes he will have his cell phone in one hand playing a game and he just moves right along. Cracks me up!
All you have to do is wiggle the steering wheel to propel the car. No batteries, pedals or pushing required. It will even hold up to 220 pounds so it is suitable for all ages! We paid around $60 for Ayla's car but you can find them on Amazon for alot cheaper. I promise you this car is worth every penny!

Thank you for the sweet comment :) You have a beautiful family as well. Our girls love the plasma car too!
We have that same plasma car from Target too. Last summer we made the road trip from Virginia to KC. Right around Illinois we made a stop at Target and Riley totally fell in love with that car or "scooter" as she calls it. She would not get off of it and rode it right up to the check out. Cracked me up. She even had to have it right by her in the car and kept one hand on it the entire way back to KC from Illinois. I don't know quite what it is about those things, but glad they like them! Hope you and your family are well! Take care!
We've looked at these a few times and they look like so much fun! I think my hubs even tried it out in the toy store! :)
Thats awesome I have never seen or heard of that!
How cute! Thanks for posting this....I have been considering buying one for Michele too. I think I will now!
Thats so awesome!! Ive never heard of this car at all!!!! But we sure need to invest in a couple......we might have to go to amazon though and get it cheaper......Im all about getting a good deal! Hope your havinga good friday and have a great weekend!!!! Im fixing to email you back!!!xoxo
Thanks for checking out my blog! I love comments! And that toy car thingy (ha!) I so cute!! Owen might just need one!!
I've seen those and wondered! They look so fun! Up to what age do you think they are appropriate for?
That toy looks awesome! And your kids look big enough that they are still enjoying it and aren't growing out of it. I think I might pick one up for my daughter's birthday present soon!
Thanks for your sweet comment on my site. I love reading about your beautiful family! :)
I totally just looked this up, and I am probably going to get one! HA Your family is adorable!! Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by on mine!
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