It has been a while since I have done a High/Lo Thursday post on the Riggs Family Blog, both of the kids are still in bed and I have a little extra time, so I thought I would participate today.
This post is part of "Hi/Lo Thursday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check out their blog to read everyone else's "Hi/Lo" posts and get your link on their site.
Hi's for this week
Ayla has been weaned off her steroids and seems to be doing okay with it.
The kids have avoided getting my cold/sinus infection I have been fighting for the past two weeks...thank goodness!! I have been so worried about that!
I noticed that Ayla had some mouth sores yesterday from the chemotherapy drug (methotrexate) that she takes for her arthritis. She has been whiny the last couple of days, now I know why.
Our friend and neighbor is in Hospice fighting Ovarian Cancer. She is unresponsive and is not expected to come home.
The kids and I have been stuck in the house for over one week now because of the rain. It has rained every day and the weekend is not looking good either.
9 years ago
I am so sorry to hear about the mouth sores! How HORRIBLE for her! I will definitely be praying for her concerning that!!
We are waiting to see how well Mia does after having her knee drained. Her elbow is still very bent and very swollen. She has only been on ibuprofen for a week now, but if it doesn't go down we might have to move to some stronger meds (MTX). In which case, I may have some questions for you. But, I will wait until when/if that time comes.
Dana :)
Hi Lesli,
Sorry to hear she is getting the mouth sores. Jacob had them awful when he first went on methotrexate. If it continues ask your doctor about Leucovorin calcium. It is a MTX recovery med. Jacob takes his MTX on Friday amd on Tues, Weds, and Thurs he takes this. He hasn't had a mouth sore since. It is just another form of folic acid, I think.
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