May 12, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend

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First of all I just want to say that I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day Weekend!! I myself had a WONDERFUL weekend!! The weather was perfect and we had no RAIN for a change. It has rained for the past TWO weeks here!
One of my friends let me know about this awesome place to go and get flowers (thank you Summer). It was on a farm and about 30 minutes away. This place was amazing. There were flowers, plants and trees EVERYWHERE. I am guessing there were around ten greenhouses and possibly more with flower baskets hanging everywhere. I picked out four baskets for our house and we also got a few Mother's day gifts for our Mother's as well.

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I am planning on going back because there was SO much to look at and I just might have to get a few more flowers! I am hoping this will be a new Mother's day tradition for us. The kids loved it as well, when they weren't sitting in their stroller being the precious, sweet kids that they are, they were running in between the greenhouses. There were also cows there that Ayla called "camels". Yes, we really need to get that girl to a ZOO soon. Poor thing, she called the cows "elephants" when we went to Indiana last month!! Oh and she also called the lions, "kittens", at the circus. But I promise you, she really is SMART!!!

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This is off of the subject, but there was a worm on the porch a couple of days ago and it kept trying to get in the house so John picked it up on a stick and threw it into the yard. Later that day Ayla asked where the worm was. John told Ayla that the worm went BYE BYE. And Ayla replied,"did he go to work"-ha. I thought that was funny!!


Anyway, On Sunday we went to Grandma and Grandpa's. They bought the kids a sandbox and so they enjoyed playing outside the whole afternoon.



We actually were able to get some family pictures while we were there. I haven't had a picture with all three of my kids since Brennan was born!! Later that evening, my Mom and some friends were over for a cook out. It was such a good time, I spent the whole day with my Husband and chilren, I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family including my mom, she helps us out so much with the kids and I don't know what we would do without her!!


The one and ONLY picture I have of all three of my children!

My and my two boys!! Aren't they handsome!!

Kaleb and I

Ayla and her big brother

She loves him so much!!

And finally,
"The Family Picture"
I hope everyone had a happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!!

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