Oh my word, after last night, I don't think Jake should pick any of these girls. These girls are all so immature and I just don't think they are good enough for him. He is so sweet and nice and last night you could tell he had had enough. Poor guy, he delt with crying girls all night long and by the end he was exhausted. I was so glad that he saw through Michelle and Elizabeth and sent them both home. Michelle was just not playing with a full deck and she couldn't believe it when Jake called her bluff after saying she wanted to go home and he said I think your right, you should go home..lol.. I have only one word for her-PSYCHO...way to go Jake!! Oh and Elizabeth playing the whole I don't want you to kiss me game but giving him mixed signals in the mean time. She was so manipulative and I am so glad that Jake figured her out and sent her packing as well!
Okay, I am very disappointed in Ali, she WAS one of my favorites but after last night, not so much. She really showed a different side last night and I didn't like it at all. She was the ringleader of the whole Vienna drama and it really put her in a different category for me....like the "mean girl" category....so...
I am not sure what is going on with Vienna. Her date with Jake was nice but NONE of the girls like her and I think that is saying something. Even Gia who seems extrememly nice and was sticking up for her is getting irritated by her. I don't know, I will just have to wait and see some more before I form an opinion on her.
So the SeaWorld date was awesome of course. Jake was so sweet with Ella's son but I did not see any Chemistry between the two of them, so I do not think she will be around much longer, although I do like her and I think she is one of the more mature ones in the house.
So as of right now, the only hope I have for Jake finding someone is maybe one of the other girls that we have not seen alot from. Tenley and Gia seem really sweet, so who knows maybe something will develop there. If not, I think Jake would have better luck finding someone on his own. He is way to nice for all of the highschool drama that is going on with these girls. Poor thing, I feel that he played a therapist role more than anything else on the show tonight..lol.
Let's just hope next week goes a little better. Here is the link to Chris Harrison's blog if you would like to read his recap of the show. They are always fun to read.

Girl those girls are crazy.... I LOL when he sent Michelle packing, that girl is not playing with a full deck! Elizabeth was teasing way to much so I am glad he let her go.... I am shocked how Allie is acting she was one of my favs, I like Vienna but I am not sure why everyone is attacking her....
As of now I am just not sure about these girls LOL....
Summer :0)
I about died when Michelle got sent home. I could not stop laughing. That girl is crazy! Elizabeth was just rude I think, with all of her teasing and then crying. I just wonder if she actually thought that was attractive....surely not. Ali really disappointed me last night too. Her mean side for sure came out. Tenley seems the nicest so far. Why do I love this show? ha!
Hi Thank you for stopping by my blog!! I am now following yours!! I look foward to following your journey!Feel free to follow mine as well......Love your Bach recap! Drama city!! YES....Me and my boyfriend are all about reality tv....BUT he does not like the bachelor.although he watches it with me, he is always asking how I watch it?HA.We love american idol and biggest loser!!
I sooooo agree with you on everything! Maybe Jake will decide not to choose any of the girls...that would be awesome!!
I really like Tenille (I think that's her name... the one that her husband cheated on her and left her). I think she's sweet and guenuine! I've heard who he picks and I'm not so excited if that's really true!
Tenley, not Tenille! :) I knew that didn't sound right!
Hi - thanks for leaving a comment on my blog - so good to see there are other Mom's going through the same things! Kids and Dads what can we do with them! :)
These girls on the show can drive me crazy, but that's always the case, I just hate seeing girls be so desperate and crying after knowing the guy only an hour. But it makes me laugh! I was proud of him for sending Michelle home, she was a little weird. I really like Alli, until lately and her attitude, we'll see!
Looks like I need to watch this show!! Lots going on!! :)
Love the new bed.... so cute. I'm not letting Em see this blog b/c she'll bug me for that bed and I don't think I'm that talented to put that together!! So beautiful.
And you should go to Disney :) It was a lot of fun!! Go twice. Once now and once in a few years lol
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